In partnership with parents, and guided by the Catholic Faith, we seek to educate students to the highest standards of the classical tradition, so that they may grow in knowledge, wisdom, and the love of Our Lord; to incorporate our students into the wisdom of two thousand years of Catholic thought, history, culture, and arts, so that they might understand themselves and their world in the light of the truth; and to enable students to use their gifts in the service of others, and for the glory of Christ and his Church.
Faith Statement
We believe all that the Catholic Church holds and believes to be true. We strive to uphold and to instill in our students the Church’s teachings on faith and morals. We profess fidelity to the Holy Father in Rome and to the Archbishop of Indianapolis.
“Education is primarily about the formation of the soul, about the cultivation of the inner man and the contemplative path to piety, wisdom, and virtue.
The most important goal of education is the cultivation of the intellect and character, so that the student may think well and live well. In short, we seek wisdom and virtue. Classical Catholic education forms the student’s intellectual and moral character through a careful and deep study of the liberal arts and sciences and the Catholic Faith.
Another important purpose of education is to pass on our cultural heritage. The goal of St. Benedict’s is to immerse students in the study of Western Civilization, from its beginnings in Ancient Greece and Rome, through its transformation by the Church in Christendom, up to its present manifestation in our own country and time. Classical education focuses on the study of Latin, the classical civilizations of Greece and Rome, the great books, and the seven liberal arts.
We believe that a course of study focused on meditating on what is good, true, and beautiful is the best way to foster a love of God, who is Himself the ultimate Good, True, and Beautiful.
Many students graduate from high school with a high level of academic achievement, but a grade-school understanding of the Faith. If we want students to keep their faith in a hostile world, we need to equip them with a sophisticated knowledge and understanding of God and His Church that matches their intellectual development.
Students at St. Benedict’s will be introduced to the outstanding Catholic intellectual tradition exemplified by men like St. Augustine of Hippo, St. Anselm, St. Thomas Aquinas, and Pope Benedict XVI. Students will learn that faith and reason work together to help us understand God, ourselves, and the world. While understanding the reasonableness of our faith is vital, practicing our faith is no less so. Students at St. Benedict’s will learn not only to defend the Faith, but also how to live the works of mercy, so that they can be a blessing to their families and communities.
St. Benedict’s is a community of families who come together to educate our children in the Catholic classical tradition. As the school is staffed entirely by volunteers, all parents are expected to contribute through teaching or fulfilling other roles necessary for the smooth operation of the school.
““To live without a faith, without a patrimony to defend, without a steady struggle for the Truth, is not living but existing.”
The Saint Benedict Classical School admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin.